Mayor Iain Lovatt

4 as of right?

With the recent denial of the towns Federal Housing Accelerator Funding application, it has become apparent that we need to make a few amendments to our application. In order to increase our probability of receiving over $15M from the newly announced $400M the Feds are using to top up the HAF program, we need to take some bold action. Four plex allowance is one item the Feds have said over and over again that is a requirement for the funding To continue to help do our part in solving the housing crisis, the town is currently undertaking an ARU (additional residential unit) study that would allow up to three units per residential lot. To learn more about the study and to submit your feedback, click here. But from overlooking what successful municipalities had to pass to receive HAF funding, it was clear, 4 as of right was key. This one policy is a non-negotiable, federal housing priority.  

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